How to Create Information Products from Existing Content

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How to Create information products from existing content.

In this post, you'll learn how to create information products from existing content fast. You will also get ideas of 11 types of information products you can create from existing content. 

Have considered creating information products but thought it would be too much work? Do you have some ideas for products you want to create but haven't had the time to create?

Creating information products does NOT have to take a long time or be difficult.

In this post, you'll learn how you can create information products FAST!

And you do NOT have to start from scratch.

Start with content you already have

You probably already have blog posts and email messages. You may have YouTube videos, webinar recordings, or private label rights (PLR) content.

If you created content for your blog or newsletter or bought PLR content, you can create information products.

Here are some articles I recommend reading about using PLR content:


11 information products you can create
from existing content

Here are some ideas of information you can create from existing content.

1. Create short reports from existing content

Most short reports are just a few pages long. They are laser-focused on one issue and one solution. They often don't include a table of contents or additional information like checklists.

2. Create ebooks from existing content

The type of eBooks you’ll use for an information product is shorter than a regular book. You can create an eBook with as few as ten blog posts. They usually include a table of contents and supporting documentation.

Read my article: 5 Super Easy Ways to Customize a PLR eBook and Make it Unique

3. Create audiobooks from existing content

You can easily repurpose any eBooks or short reports into an audiobook by reading them and recording them. You can also hire someone on Fiverr to do the voice if you prefer.

4. eCourses

An email course is a great format for an information product that is focused on “how to” do something. Whether you deliver it via email or a platform like Teachable or Thinkific,  it’s a great way to get into the info product business.

5. Membership sites

With a membership site, you offer information-oriented products to the members each month – usually at a monthly fee. Often membership sites include all the other types of info products mentioned here.

6. Printables, checklists, cheat sheets, workbooks, spreadsheets

These types of information products make great lead magnets and content upgrades. And you can also sell them separately as information products. They’ll sell easily if you connect them to the right content.

Checklists are easy to create. If you have ebooks or courses, start by looking at the table of contents to create checklists. And they're even easier to create if you're using Canva templates.

Looking for templates, checklists, worksheets, or lead magnets to grow your email list?

Use Canva lead magnet templates to create lead magnets fast.

10 Minimalist Canva Checklist Templates
14 Minimalist Canva Worksheet Templates

My 68 Minimalist Canva Lead Magnet Templates. Get 48 lead magnet templates + 10 checklist templates + 10 worksheet templates. You'll get a large variety of attractive templates that are super easy to use, including reports, workbooks, checklists, worksheets, and more. This great set of templates will make it easy to create your first lead magnet. Check out these lead magnet templates here.

7. Coaching programs

As a coach, you can include information products as part of your coaching program. You can include worksheets, checklists, cheat sheets, and other resources mentioned here.

If you're a coach, you should check out Content Sparks by Sharyn Sheldon. They have a lot of PLR content for business coaches and consultants. If you want a real shortcut to creating coaching programs and other info products, PLR is the way to go. And Content Sparks has very high-quality content for coaches. They have over 30 years of experience designing and developing professional business training content for Fortune 500 companies, small businesses, and entrepreneurs. Check out Content Sparks here.

8. Templates

People love templates and they will pay for them. Examples of popular templates include social media templates, website templates, article templates, resume templates, and more.

I love using social media templates. They make it easy and fast to create good-looking Pinterest and Instagram images and provide a variety of great designs. These types of templates are easy to create for someone with some graphic skills and make great products to sell.

9. Resource lists

A resource list is just a list of resources that you use or recommend. Your resource list can include software and even people who help you that you want to recommend to others. People will pay good money to buy your list when you’re successful and well-known.

You can see some of my favorite blogging resources here.

10. eSummits

If you have connections within your niche, you can gather them together to host an eSummit. You can resell the eSummit as an information product many times over after the live event.

11. PowerPoint presentations/videos

If you don't want to be in front of a camera to create videos, you can create PowerPoint presentations and record them with a screen recording tool like Screencast-o-Matic

You can create amazing information products from existing content in any niche

For example, if you are a successful eBay seller, Etsy seller, or Amazon FBA seller, it’s likely that you have collected information for yourself that others might like.

Perhaps you have created a checklist that you use to ensure you don’t miss a step. Someone else will pay good money for that checklist to avoid having to do it themselves.

Or you can create an eBook about the mistakes you’ve made on your eBay, Etsy, or FBA journey and sell it as an information product.

Almost every niche you can think of has a need for information products. There are people who need to know the information you have and will pay good money for it. You may be wondering why. It’s simple. People are usually lazy. And it’s smarter to buy information from a reliable source than to spend hours doing the research yourself. It’s why libraries exist.

People want someone else to do the hard work for them. Most people would prefer to pay someone they trust to provide step-by-step instructions on how to do something than trying to figure it out themselves. It saves time to buy it. That’s why self-help books are so popular. It’s a fast way to get the information so that change can take place.

Info Product Creation and Promotion Resources

Do you need lead magnets to build your list?

Free Canva Lead Magnet Templates
Get my free Canva Templates to easily create checklists, worksheets, to-do lists, and a variety of lead magnets to build your list.
  • Image editing: Canva is a graphic-design tool website.  It's great for designing images, ebook covers, social media images, PDFs, worksheets, and more. It uses a drag-and-drop format and provides access to over a million photographs, graphics, and fonts. It is used by non-designers as well as professionals. I create all my social media images in Canva. 


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