How to Get Top Google Ranking with Videos

How to Get Top Google Ranking with Videos

Getting videos on YouTube and other video sharing sites is a great way to get ranked high on Google.

SEO Benefits of Videos
  • A web page is 53 times more likely to be ranked on the first page of Google if it contains video. Google seems to prioritize (to some extent) websites that include video.
  • Search engines like content. Visitors want video, 60% of searches are for video, and Google wants to give people what they want. This is another reason why videos can help you rank higher with search engines.
  • Lots of videos show up in search results. With some search engine optimization you can rank videos higher in SERP and get real targeted traffic.

How to Get Good Ranking for Your Video.

It's easy to rank a video because Google loves videos and YouTube is owned by Google. Just follow the 3 easy steps below to optimize your YouTube videos.

  1. Make a good video with good content.
  2. Optimize your YouTube videos. Use your keyword in the title, description and the tags (more details below). Make sure to use the right keywords (do keyword research first).
  3. Engagement affects your video ranking. YouTube and Google now also look at engagement, e.g. Likes, Comments, and Shares to judge the importance and popularity of your videos and identify quality content. Having a quality video with good content will help you get those.

Name Your Video Descriptively

Have a clear, descriptive title and include as many relevant tags as you can. For example, if you created a video that shows how to optimize videos, your title should be “How to optimize videos.”  This is important because this is what your target audience wants to learn and will be searching for. Tags can include key phrases like “optimize videos, video optimization, how to optimize videos and video optimization.”

How to Optimize Your Video

There are many ways to optimize your videos for your relevant keywords so that search engines can index your videos and users can find them easily. You can optimize the following areas:

  • The video file name
  • Tags (keywords)
  • Title
  • Description
  • URL
  • Link text
  • Tech Crunch provided this useful tip: Google likes it when the title tag of a page matches the title of the video, and will give a higher weighting for results where this is the case. (Tech Crunch)
  • Transcribe your video.  If your video has audio, transcribe your audio and upload the transcript to YouTube.
  • If you don't have audio, use YouTube Captions.

Upload Your Videos to Video Sharing Sites

You will get more exposure, traffic and leads when getting your videos on video sharing sites.

Video sharing sites (sites where you can upload videos) have PR ranging from 9 to 6. In addition to YouTube, some of the video sharing sites include Dailymotion, Viddler, Vimeo, Metacafe and many others.

You can get even better ranking by creating a unique RSS feed for your video and submitting it to RSS directories.

To get first page ranking, you’ll need to optimize your YouTube video. Be sure to put your website address in the description first, then leave a space, and then start writing your description with the keyword you are ranking for.

Promote Your Video with Link Building

Links are a way for search engines to judge the quality of your content. Having links to your videos means that your videos will look more important in the eyes of the search engines.  But make sure you get quality links.

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