Okay, we all get that content is certainly king as far as having a website is concerned, but SEO is still a big deal and those who ignore it, do so at their peril. Having good search engine optimisation is so important these days and unless you are paying a hefty amount for PPC optimisation, you need this to get up on that first page.
The thing about SEO is that Google changed a lot of the rules back in 2013 and now many webmasters are kind of left holding the baby as far as good and bad SEO is concerned. So we’ll show you a few pointers that will ensure your website is still being viewed favourably by Google and the like. Just remember that you can almost get as much of a lift from using white hat SEO as you can from actually paying through the nose. It may take a tad longer and a fair amount of effort, but the end result certainly justifies the means!
Your Website Needs SEO
Okay, we mentioned content before, and this is actually a large part of the SEO body. The more juicy content that your website has on offer, the more that Google will enjoy coming back to it for more portions. You can have loads of links and even more paid search connections, but if the actual content and SEO are poor, they will all be a waste of time.
What Does Google Want?
Content is obviously right up there, it needs to be complete with apt descriptions and correct text as well as keywords that matter. But Google will also decide what type of user experience is being delivered by your website. This can be devised by your bounce rate and the ease with which people can navigate around your site. If your site is connected to a number of high ranking sites that are authoritative and relevant, this will also score well with the big G.
Google Does Not Want This!
Your keywords need to be used in the right context and any instance of stuffing will not be looked upon kindly by Google. They will also take you out of the game if there is evidence of paid backlinks, make no mistake. A poor user experience is probably the worst sin of all, they will check out your landing page and a bad one will be suitably punished.
Use Social Media
By linking up your site to the various social media platforms, you will be pleasing Google and the site will be rising up the page rankings effectively. And your social pages should also contain some killer content as well as pleasing other users. If you are marketing Laminate floors Toronto (I removed the link to http://www.appliancerepairmaster.ca/services/dishwasher-repair/ as it was broken) on Facebook, the more shares and likes that your profile is receiving, the better it is for your overall quality score. Just remember to always post unique content and you should be doing just fine!
Ready To Try Once More?
Try these cool tips and watch in awe as your website climbs through the pages with ease!
The author of this post is Nancy Baker, a freelance blogger who is currently writing for Appliance Repair Master. As an avid car enthusiast, she likes to go on long drives during the weekend. You can also follow her on Twitter @Nancy Baker.
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